Welcome, Herald Alumni!

Explore the rich history of The Brown Daily Herald and connect with fellow alumni.

Herald History

The Herald began publishing daily in 1891 and is an independent, 501(c) non-profit corporation, and has been financially independent from Brown since 1975.

The inaugural four-page issue of The Brown Daily Herald was published over 130 years ago. On Wednesday, Dec. 2, 1891, The Herald's editors described their intentions in undertaking the sixth daily college newspaper in the country with gravitas:

"This issue begins the career of the Brown Daily Herald. Whether it shall remain as one of the fixtures of Brown or die a natural death is left to the students themselves. ... The Herald will not lay claim to any literary merit but will contain only the college news, notices, and announcements that may be of daily interest to college men. ... We ask a fair trial and we will demonstrate our right to live."

Connect with The Herald

Today, The Herald office has found a new home at 88 Benevolent St. after moving from 195 Angell in 2019. We hold open houses during Reunion Weekend each spring for alumni to come back together and reminisce.

Herald Alumni are welcome to join the alumni Facebook Group. Any other inquiries can be directed to herald@browndailyherald.com.